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I can't login to my account

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Here is a list of the most common reasons users get stuck on the wrong side of their account (and what to do):

If you can’t remember your password, simply click the Forgot your password? button located under the password field.

  1. Enter your login email address.

  2. Click Send password reset link.

You will receive further instructions in your inbox.

If you don’t receive the reset instructions in your inbox, and it is not in your spam/promotions folder, then please navigate to the contact us page and select the topic Login and upgrade issues for further support. A member of our team can assist you in resetting your password.

If you are unable to recover your two-factor authentication (2FA), please navigate to the contact us page and select the topic Login and upgrade issues for further assistance.

For more in-depth Google Authenticator 2FA instructions, we recommend checking out their resource center here.

So you know your password and 2FA are not an issue for you. It just won’t let you log in. What should you do?

  1. Make sure you’re logging in from

  2. Check for typos in your email address.

  3. Ensure CAPS LOCK is not enabled.

  4. Try using a different browser.

  5. Reset your password.

After a year of account inactivity, your MailerLite account and data will be removed from our database. Closing inactive accounts and removing user data after 90 days is in compliance with data privacy best practices.

What happens when an account is closed?

When an account is closed, users will no longer be able to log in. The account and all associated data will be deleted 90 days after closure. This includes campaigns, contact lists, templates, credit card information, API keys, published landing pages or ads, and any other user data. Once deleted, the data is gone forever.

Deleting old data is an industry best practice that helps protect both user data and our systems. We notify all inactive accounts by sending an email 30 days before account closure to the addresses associated with the primary contact and owner profile.

If you are still having trouble logging in after trying the above steps, check MailerLite's support options.

Here is a list of the most common reasons users get stuck on the wrong side of their account (and what to do):

If you can’t remember your password, simply click the Forgot your password? button located in the password word field.

  1. Enter your login email address.

  2. Check I’m not a robot.

  3. Click Send.

You will receive further instructions in your inbox.

If you don’t receive the reset instructions in your inbox, and it is not in your spam/promotions folder, then please contact us for further support. A member of our team can assist you in resetting your password.

If you are unable to recover your two-factor authentication (2FA), please contact us from your login email address for further assistance.

For more in-depth Google Authenticator 2FA instructions, we recommend checking out their resource center here.

So you know your password and 2FA are not an issue for you. It just won’t let you log in. What should you do?

  1. Make sure you’re logging in from

  2. Check for typos in your email address.

  3. Ensure CAPS LOCK is not enabled.

  4. Try using a different browser.

  5. Reset your password.

If you are still having trouble logging in after trying the above steps, check MailerLite's support options.

Last time edited: Jul 27, 2023